
"The Alchemist" and My Thoughts

Hello everyone, it's already February but I believe it is not too late to say Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, abundance and everything you want to go smoothly this year. With this blog I want to talk about the first book I read and finished by February 2024, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Now I continue this blog in August, five months after finishing it haha. This blog will not be a review or summary on how the story in the book goes, instead I would like to take some of my favorite parts/lines of the book and write down my thoughts about it. It is not me if I am not telling TMI about what happened until I finally chose to read this book. It was early January that I was still on my days off. I wanted to read something and I first chose the book "Sastra Feminis", I kinda like it but it made me kinda sad as a woman to read the oppression women have to go through so I decided to give it a break and chose other book. I have bought the alchemist quite long time ago, but

Birthday Journal

(⚠️Trigger warning: too much self-love in this writing may cause you vomit or probably you may be wondering what the heck is wrong with this person) Dearest, darling, my universe. Let’s set the song as the background music of this writing since it keeps playing in my head while I start my plan to write. Happy birthday, my dearest self. No one else can love me as much as I love myself (if you’re wondering is there any person on this entire earth who has the easiest self love, now you can stop and find it clear and loud in me). It is because in my entire life, my parents, my family and my friends always make it seem easy to do it. I would be forever grateful for the people around me, the people who watch me grow and be what I am today. Life’s been countless blessings and everyday, I’m thriving to be the better version of me. I call it my birthday journal, a piece of my thought that I wrote on my birthday, all the things that going around my head in minutes I explore the new number of my

Love Through

How I see love through: life and relationships I always put the wrong order of something, I haven’t figured out what I mean by writing “How I see love through life” so instead, I will tell you first how I see love through relationships. As an opening, I would like to give my reason why I write this blog. After reading around 40 pages of the book “Conversations on love” I started to have some ideas to write down all of my thoughts about love, the love I’ve learnt from all the people I’ve encountered. What is love, what do I mean by love. Love in Relationships Looking back from what I have taught my students about relationships, a relationship is when you build a connection with other people.  It starts from our home. Relationship with your parents, siblings, grandparents and with your other family. Then as we grow up we start building relationships with friends and later some will become best friends, with your teachers, lecturers, and colleagues. Between all of that sometimes you build

Women and Eids

Honestly, on a fine day, I would love just to spend Eids with family that I am close with. I would love to see my mom enjoy the Eid fully, without having to think about the mountain of dirty dishes in the sink. I would love to not see any tear shed, or exhausted body of women just because of domestic tasks.   But then, I grow up staying with a huge family during Eids. It’s not just me, my mom, my dad, my siblings, my grandparents, but it’s more than that. I wonder who will take care of the household during these big gathering days. Who will cook for us. Who will do all the dishes. Who will take care of the children. Who will clean the entire house. One person that will eventually pop up in my head is, of course, my mom, the eldest daughter in the family.   I am 22 now when I write this. I just now realize, after being stressed of the amount of the household tasks, after crying while doing the dishes, after the sudden emotional wave that going around my body. Why is it just women? The o

Life Mottos #2

Recently, I had to deal with my thesis, and thank God, I finally made it. And one thing I want to break down here is that I had so many thoughts and doubts in my mind when I had to write something in the motto page. I started to think, well, which one is my motto? – as I have several statements I claim as my mottos. And I don’t know but I find it funny that actually I can just put all those mottos in the page, but instead I decided to choose only one. And somehow, it made me reflect to each of motto I have, and how it affects me. By writing this, I also read on the internet that it is a good thing to have motto, one of its functions is to drive you cope with difficult situations. Let’s see through my second “Life Journal”, reflecting the mottos I have and its power in my life.   “Hidup yang baik, Bahagia yang lama.” Or in English it can be translated “Live well and be happy for a long time.” I remember write these two phrases in one sentence when I was in my senior high school. I got a